
March 19, 2020

Safety Measures against Corona Virus (COVID-19)| कोरोना वायरस से बचने के तरीके

Safety tips against the virus which is terrorizing populations across the nation

So here we are in social distancing and quarantine and panicking beyond anything. This is the most unfortunate time our whole nation has ever faced, the whole humanity is in front of an existential crisis which may take extreme forms.  

Governments declaring closure of schools and offices during this period has left us even more terrified! Everybody questioning in terror:
Is this virus that bad?
The main thing you should be knowing that many people who were admitted to hospitals suspecting they were affected by COVID-19 were released and free from virus.
This particular virus is mainly affecting people with a weak immune system so make sure you take adequate care of yourself in these distressed times.

During this time you should definitely be taking some  measures which will ensure your safety!

1. Always use a hand sanitizer when you are out of your home 
Water facility may not be available always and using sanitizer will actually kill the germs which can cause this virus to spread

Himalaya, Apollo hand sanitizers

2. Try wearing masks
The masks are designed in such a way that they won't facilitate the entry of virus.
But there are some important points you should be knowing before opting for a mask:

  • Wear it positively when serving a patient already infected with COVID-19. 
  • When you travel in public transports or gather at crowded places.
  • Unnecessarily wearing mask won't help.

3. Maintain social distancing and quarantine

Social distancing is now a necessity 
When You are already sure that you have no symptoms, the stranger sitting next to you in any public transport or a crowded place may have symptoms  , so please be careful enough.
I understand people have important work to attend to but try to postpone them if it is not that crucial.
Try and avoid any congregation of 10 or more people.

4 . Always,always maintain personal hygiene.
We may not wash our pair of jeans regularly but after months. But please avoid doing this. Wash your clothes after coming home everytime. This habit will go a long way at this time.

5 . When ordering things from online follow these protocols:.

  • Try leaving the package untouched for more than 12 hours so that if any virus or bacteria is already that,it will die in 12 hours.
  • In case you are ordering clothes, wash them before you wear
  • When you are buying things like books, house essentials things or anything else, make sure they came in sealed packaging.

6. Do not touch your face ,noss or mouth without washing your hands first 
The virus is transmitted rapidly when you touch your most sensitive organs,  please be careful.

Apollo Handwashes

If you have an Apollo Pharmacy near your home ,they are offering great rebates on hand sanitizers,handwashes(3 full sized products for 100INR) in this time of crisis, do call them up for a free home delivery. 

I pray you remain safe and wishing a speedy recovery to all those infected with this deadly virus. Let's fight this battle of life together for humanity 💙

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